Price calculator

NOTICE!!! Please note that the price calculator applies to cruise prices from January 1 to March 30, 2025 (gross tonnage over 20,000 NOK 1.55). From April 1 to September 30, 2025, the price for gross tonnage over 20,000 will be NOK 1.75. We are working on an alternative price calculator that can differentiate based on the port call date.

Unfortunately, our price calculator is only in Norwegian, but below you will find a translation into English of words and expressions used in the calculator.

* The minimum amount for ISPS includes 12 hours layover time, beyond this the vessel will be charged NOK 1,700 per hour started.

Oversettelse priskalkulator
Norwegian English
Bruttotonn (BT) Gross tonnage
Klima og miljø Climate and environment
Bruk av MGO, max svovelinnhold 0.05% Use of MGO, max sulphur content 0.05%
Bruk av MGO, max sovelinnhold 0,1% Use of MGO, max sulphur content 0.1%
Bruk av landstrøm Use of shore power
Bruk av LNG Use of LNG
Bruk av scrubber /HFO Use of scrubber/HFO
Ikke rapportert Not reported
Beregn pris Calculate price
Nullstill Reset
Ja/Nei Yes/No
Kaivederlag Berthage dues
Rabatt - klima og miljø Discount - climate and environment
Se utregning See calculation
Sum avgift og vederlag inkl. rabatt Total dues incl. discount
Sum kaivederlag Total berthage dues

This is an estimate only and may deviate from actual and invoiced amounts. Reference is otherwise made to Ports of Aalesund's price regulations with discounts and the regulations related to the determination of the various elements.